Food Drive (Day 3)

This is the back of my car after the three student volunteers loaded it with tonight's haul. I continue to play the role of Gemini, both irritated and elated at what transpires each night. Another colleague finally joined me this evening which helped out tremendously--the Juniors did not show up until almost an hour after they were supposed to arrive. Had my colleague not been there, I would not have been able to cover the two entrances as potential donors entered the store.
After two official counts, we are at 650 items. Tonight should add another 300 items to the count.
For those tracking, and commenting (Hedgetoad), thanks for the support and the ideas. I spent the five minute passing periods and planning periods hunting for individual students to sign-up. So far the "maybe's" have not shown and neither have the "oh, yeah mister, I will do that's". But again, too what extent can I wallow when we are approaching 1000 items?
I must point out how amazing our local Starbuck's Coffee house has been in supporting our project. Once again, they donated hot chocolate to our cause. There is nothing better than feeling the support of local businesses. And of course, our local Shaw's Supermarket who have hosted our food drive to this point. Next week, Wal-Mart will also host our students.
WalMart is a great place to get donations (or at least it is here!). I honestly believe that those who are/have been close or needed the services of a food bank or the like are always more likely to donate than those who can afford it.
As Scrooge's nephew says, they "think of people below them as fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys."
It is great to hear that you are keeping up with the food drive, I am doing my best to help Cascade HS.It is harder since I have work and college but I plan it to help otehrs. Their are many people that need help and we need to do what we can!!!!!
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