It's all over: clap--clap-clap-clap--clap

Spring break ends today, leaving me unprepared to return to school tomorrow. The New England weather prevented me from accomplishing anything other than a respectable tan, a raked yard, a golf excursion, wiffle-ball with my brother, and a trip to Newport, RI.
The end part of the week was busy with my daughter's second birthday and my wife's thirtieth birthday--if she reads this, I might not be around to post again. Their birthdays are one day apart, making it both easy to remember and difficult to manage.
On my daughter's birthday, I started what might become an annual tradition; although, I might have been misled by the unusually warm weather. The picture is of me diving into the lake we live on. The water below is about to jolt me into reality--the water temperature still had that icy feel of winter.
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