Friday, February 22, 2008

Student Code of Ethics

We teachers have a written Code of Ethics that the public expects us to follow. When we don't, we lose our privilege of teaching students. I think that students should have a Code of Ethics that the public expects them to follow. It seems that if they are benefiting from the public's money, the public should expect them to steward that gift well. If a student didn't follow the Code of Ethics, he or she should forfeit their privilege of learning.


The Code of Learner Responsibility lists principles which the public expects its beneficiaries to honor and follow. These standards reflect the belief that gaining a fundamental education is the responsibility of American youth. Therefore, the students are expected to carefully utilize the priveleges that society has set forth for them.

a.) Responsibility to the Teacher:

1.) The privileged student, in demonstration of his or her obligation to Society, will:

A. Respect the teacher as sharing common humanity through honoring his or her teacher, and therefore, interact responsibly, politely, and kindly with the teacher.

B. Ask questions of his or her teacher that will enable him or her to pursue a necessary understanding of the subject matter.

C. Communicate to the teacher his or her talents, thereby providing the teacher with an understanding of how to nurture him or her towards achievement.

D. Participate appropriately and actively in the classroom experience with the express purpose of applying his or her understanding.

E. Strive to accomplish the objectives and purposes of the coursework.

F. Remain proactive in dealing with any possible conflicts or sources of confusion.

G. Maintain the honor of the teacher by refraining from gossip, abusive language, unwarranted criticism, or untruths about the teacher.

b.) Responsibility to the Educational Community:

1.) The privileged student, in demonstration of his or her responsibility to Society, will:

A. Refrain from damaging property.

B. Recognize that his or her actions, both positive and negative, reflects on the Education Community that he or she is priveleged to participate in.

C. Value the learning opportunity placed before him or her.

D. Strive to achieve at the highest level.

E. Assume responsibility for his or her development as a student.

F. Encourage other students and teachers towards higher achievement academically and socially.

c.) Responsibility to the Local Community:

1.) The priveleged student, in demonstration of his or her responsibility to Society, will:

A. Recognize that he or she is an integral part of the community that he or she lives in, and therefore, particpate actively within that community.

B. Return the goodwill bestowed upon him or her.

C. Search out opportunities to volunteer both with the older and younger generations than himself or herself.


At 3:39 PM , Blogger loonyhiker said...

This was a great list. It would be great if we could get students to follow it.


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