Friday, February 17, 2006

Words of Wisdom from Soon to be College Students

My favorite unit for the Pre-College English class I teach is my expository writing unit. I have my students read essays on various themes and then have them write their own essay. The guidelines are purposely vague, allowing the individual to take the assignment to wherever they desire.
Here are some thoughts on childhood from 17 and 18 year olds (unedited):
"For most pure moments of simplicities, folly and silliness define childhood."

In writing about a neighborhood playground, one student wrote:
"This childhood memory is special to me because it taught me life lessons that stick with me to this very day. I've learned the importance of introducing myself, whether it's a kid, or an adult. I've learned the importance of being an individual and never lying to myself of who I am. The most important lesson I learned is respect."

Another student realizes, "I had all the powers in the world, and nothing could stop me. I also had anothe power that every young child has, Potential."

One student recognizes that, "Instead of treating the difference between childhood and adulthood as a thin line, one needs to see it as a large field that gradually shifts from childhood to adulthood." And then he has some education reform ideas: "One shall chane the educational system so that children can advance as they need in each subject separately. If someone does Math extremely well, but does English horribly, then his English grade will have no impact on how he advances in Math classes."

I am only half done. When I finish, I will add more thoughts.


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