Wednesday, March 01, 2006


With all of this Blog Tag going on, I wonder about our safety as bloggers. Perhaps some edusphere administrator should ban it. I also wonder what Ms. Haley might think about the actual banning of tag. And before I forget, stop by the Carnival of Education. But, alas, I must play the game because my dear brother made me it. Please check his blog out.

Four Jobs I have had:
1. Lifeguard (Sandy Beach, Ellington, Connecticut)
2. Laborer (Atlas Fencing--installed guardrail to keep people like me from driving off roads)
3. Mixologist (Red Robin Inc.)
4. Banquet Attendant (Red Lion bought out by Doubletree Hotels bought out by Hilton)

Four Movies I can Watch Over and Over:
1. Billy Madison (Shabaduhu)
2. Top Gun (Crash and burn, huh, Mav)
3. A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out)
4. Michael Jordan: Come Fly with Me (Just once, I'd like to be like Mike.)

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Crystal Lake, Ellington, Connecticut (the first 18 years of my life)
2. Northwest College--er...University now, Kirkland, Washington
3. Bothell, Washington
4. Everett, Washington (my first home purchase)

Four Shows I Watch:
1. 24 (does it get better?)
2. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (a rare sign we aren't all going to hell in a handbasket)
3. Desperate Housewives (I drink White Chocalate Mochas too...)
4. The O.C. (umm, to keep up on trends in high school?)

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. The Education Wonks
2. ESPN The Worldwide Leader in Sports
3. Fox News (With apologies to the NEA and WEA)
4. Google (there's always something to look up!)

Four Things I'd Like to do Before I die:
1. Meet my hero, Cal Ripken Jr. (I'd give up the other three for this one!)
2. Write a book (Harper Lee says we all have one in us)
3. Move back to Crystal Lake
4. Become a Superintendant (I even laughed at that one!)

Two I am Tagging:
1. Cassie
2. Boston Dreamer


At 6:45 AM , Blogger Mr. McNamar said...

Metrosexual interior? You must have seen the color scheme I picked out for babyTate's room!

At 1:18 PM , Blogger EdWonk said...

Thanks for the mention!


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