No Dating Until You're 21

Good ole' Dennis at From the Trenches... recently posted about girls who seem to have everything going for them dating boys who seem to be a general waste of space. As the kind of guy who in high school had many girl friends, but never a girlfriend, I understood his observation.
Since I started teaching, all of those cry on my shoulder conversations from high school have helped me counsel many teenage girls whose boyfriends seem to be a general waste of space. Sometimes I think I ought to charge a small fee for the counseling sessions--at least to the repeat offenders.
Today, as my daughter--who will turn one next week--sleeps in the room next to my office (well, my office/guest room for my mother-in-law), I regularly fret over the possibility that I will have to counsel my own daughter away from boys who are a waste of space.
I have two daughters, and I have contemplated this problem many times, especially with my oldest kid, who seems to have made it her life's mission to make me crazy. I can see her becoming entranced by a total mouthbreather just to make me insane.
But no problemo-- I just keep a softball bat next to my door, and have I mentioned that my batting average is over .600? Let me assure you that I will make sure that those boys will know.
Steel yourself for those suspicious boyfriends. They're a-coming. And when she breaks up with one, get some tracing device for the obscene phone calls in the middle of the night, whilst he seeks solace with his a-hole pals.
My husband starts to mutter about moats and walls when we think of our children being old enough to date.
BTW-great blog-I've added you to my blog roll
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